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Writer's pictureBen Elliott

Blog #81 – Today I Get to… Set Goals

Welcome to Day 81 of the Wellbeing 9-a-Day blog! Now that I am in the final 10 days of my journey to transformed wellbeing with The Wellbeing 9-a-Day Journal, I am going to take one last look at each of the Wellbeing 9-a-Day before bringing this 90-day blog writing fundraiser to a close. In today’s blog, I take a final look at how Setting Goals today helps us move towards a better tomorrow.

Today I Get to…

Setting Goals is at the heart of The Wellbeing 9-a-Day Journal. Initially, the journal began as a job list, which has evolved into the holistic tool for creating positive lifestyle changes that it is today.

The Setting Goals box is my place to capture all the tasks and activities that do not fit into the other areas of the Wellbeing 9-a-Day.

Regular entries include work tasks, including publishing these blogs and posting on social media, domestic tasks, such as making dinner and doing the dishes, and anything else that comes up on a day-to-day basis, whether it is something I must do or something I want to do.

The ‘Today I get to…’ box is another place to set a goal or intention for the day. Although I sometimes struggle to fill this box, especially when busy with obligations, placing focus on something that I get to do each day is a great way to do these things more consciously.

Setting Goals

When I use The Wellbeing 9-a-Day Journal, I give myself a tick for Setting Goals whether I hit my target or not. The act of setting the intention keeps me aim for a better future, even if I do not always follow through on the intention.

It’s important to remember that some goals are better than others. We have all set goals for ourselves that have been too ambitious, or not quite fit for purpose.

For me, setting the goal of publishing a blog every day for 90 days seemed like a great idea. I would be creating content to help with the launch of the journal and promote Live Well with Cancer and my own business in the process.

The problem is I didn’t consider the amount of time that writing the blogs and publishing them would actually take.

If I hadn’t committed to the fundraiser, I would have abandoned the project after 30 days. Now that I’m on Day 81, I am really glad I didn’t, but I would be lying if I said that I did not regret setting myself such an ambitious goal.

At the start of my journal, I set myself the goal of finishing the Rise of the Domo Lego set, something I have not had the time to do in the past 81 days, due to higher priorities.

As soon as I am done with my blog, I get to make some time for the fun goals that I have had to side-line.

Call to Action!

Look back to the long-term goals that you set at the start of The Wellbeing 9-a-Day Journal. Are there any that you have not finished yet? If they are still valid, think of ways you can get closer to hitting your longer-term goals by setting daily goals that will move you closer. If they are no longer fit for purpose, release yourself from the goals and change your focus to better things.


This blog was written as part of a 90-day blog writing fundraiser for Live Well with Cancer, a volunteer-led charity serving North Tyneside and the surrounding areas. If you enjoyed this blog, please show your appreciation by donating to my JustGiving page. Every penny raised from donations or sales of the journal will help deliver workshops, events and support groups that empower better health and wellbeing for those affected by cancer, including family, friends, carers, and healthcare workers.

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