Welcome to Day 77 of the Wellbeing 9-a-Day blog! Yesterday, we considered the sixth stage of the Hero’s Journey, Claiming the Reward, where the Hero finishes their transformation in the Special World. In today’s blog, I move on to the seventh stage of the Hero’s Journey, Returning with the Reward.
Re-integrating the Reward
Act III of the Hero’s Journey is about the Hero’s re-integration BACK into the Ordinary World.
“After returning from the Special World with the reward [in Act II], the transformed Hero must find a way to re-integrate into their Ordinary World and establish a new normal.”
Where Act II focuses on self-discovery and self-development, Act III is about sharing the reward with the world that the Hero left behind at the start of the journey.
The Hero’s Journey does not finish with the claiming of the reward. It is not over until the Hero returns to the Ordinary World to overcome the problems that sent them on the journey in the first place.
Transformed by the journey, the Hero needs to find their place in the world by Returning with the Reward, Re-integrating into the Ordinary World, and establishing The New Norm.
Just as the trek up a mountain includes the walk back down, your Hero’s Journey includes the journey home and the obstacles involved.
Having changed your life, you may be tempted to retreat from the world. But remember, you did not go on your Hero’s Journey solely for your own benefit; you departed your Ordinary World to benefit others as well.
Returning with the Reward
The first stage of Re-integrating with the Reward is the initial return.
The reward is desirable for a reason, and so the Hero must often overcome more obstacles as they attempt to leave the Special World behind and return to the world that they knew before.
In a Bond movie, this is where 007 tries to escape with his new information/item but is pursued by the villain’s henchmen.
In Beauty and the Beast, the Beast shows Belle his magic mirror, which reveals that her papa is sick and alone in the woods. Freed by the Beast, who has learned what true love is, Belle takes her father home.
When learning a new skill in life, Returning with the Reward is how you continue after learning it, the journey home after you pass the test.
Sometimes, the Hero refuses to return, because they doubt the ability of those left behind to accept the rewards. This is as much a failure in the Hero’s Journey as refusing the call in the first place.
The journey is only complete when you take your new power back and allow others to benefit.
After the return, the Hero must find a way to re-integrate the reward into the Ordinary World.
Call to Action!
Have you ever claimed a reward in the past and not done anything with it? I once completed a TEFL qualification, making it possible for me to teach English abroad, and then I didn’t apply for any jobs. I had claimed the reward but didn’t complete the journey of integrating the reward back into my normal life. While I have the qualification, the trials were ultimately for nothing.
This blog was written as part of a 90-day blog writing fundraiser for Live Well with Cancer, a volunteer-led charity serving North Tyneside and the surrounding areas. If you enjoyed this blog, please show your appreciation by donating to my JustGiving page. Every penny raised from donations or sales of the journal will help deliver workshops, events and support groups that empower better health and wellbeing for those affected by cancer, including family, friends, carers, and healthcare workers.