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Writer's pictureBen Elliott

Blog #61 – Lessons Learned: Setting Goals

Welcome to Day 61 of the Wellbeing 9-a-Day blog! Over the coming days, I am going to look at each of the Wellbeing 9-a-Day in turn and share the lessons I have learned so far and my plan for the final 30 days of my journal. In today’s blog, I look at what I have learned about Setting Goals and how I will use this to help me going forward.

Lessons Learned

Personally, I find the Setting Goals box in The Wellbeing 9-a-Day Journal the easiest to engage with.

I think this is because my initial development of the #W9AD began with a daily job list. While this has evolved over the years to become a holistic approach to wellbeing, the journal is, at its core, a goal setting/tracking tool.

For the past 60 days, I have set myself a variety of goals each day, ranging from work and domestic tasks to building Lego sets and watching my favourite shows.

I see the Setting Goals box as a place to put all the things that I need/get to do that don’t fit in the other boxes. As such, it has seen a wide array of goals and is in some ways the hardest one to track.

Looking back to the goals I set at the start of my journal, I see that I have yet to achieve three goals I wanted to achieve by the end of the 90 days, which I will work towards over the coming 30 days.

Going Forward

During the first in-person Wellbeing 9-a-Day workshop, we received some excellent feedback from a lady who had already been using The Wellbeing 9-a-Day Journal for a couple of weeks.

Amongst other feedback, she suggested changing the phrasing of Setting Goals to Setting Intentions. For some, she reasoned, especially people on cancer treatment, the idea of goal setting could be quite daunting.

By tweaking the wording, we could create the impetus of a ‘goal’ without the same obligation that the word suggests.

I immediately liked the proposed change because it softened the expression without changing the intent. When I use my Wellbeing 9-a-Day Tally, I give myself a tick for Setting Goals whether I complete my goals or not.

The tick was never about hitting my goals… it was about setting them.

While I like to tick off as many as I can, life can get in the way and change your plans. But by setting our intentions each day, we aim for a better future, and that is what the Setting Goals aspect of the Wellbeing 9-a-Day is all about.

As I move forward, I will continue to set intentions that move me forward. Whether I succeed or not, setting the intention is an essential first step of the journey.

Call to Action!

Set some intentions for yourself today. These could be tasks around the house, jobs for work, or activities that you want to do today to improve your wellbeing today. Whether you fulfil your intentions or not, becoming more conscious about the way you look forward can revolutionise your wellbeing.


This blog was written as part of a 90-day blog writing fundraiser for Live Well with Cancer, a volunteer-led charity serving North Tyneside and the surrounding areas. If you enjoyed this blog, please show your appreciation by donating to my JustGiving page. Every penny raised from donations or sales of the journal will help deliver workshops, events and support groups that empower better health and wellbeing for those affected by cancer, including family, friends, carers, and healthcare workers.

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