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Writer's pictureBen Elliott

Blog #50 – Day 50 Review

Welcome to Day 50 of the Wellbeing 9-a-Day blog! Over the past ten days, we’ve focused on Your Fitness and how to improve your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. In today’s blog, I look back on the past 10 days and look forward to the next 10 days, where I will focus on Your Relationships.

Looking Back

Over the past 10 days, I have focused on the habits contained within Your Fitness and the importance of finding balance in your physical, mental and emotional fitness.

I started by considering the value of working out at home and tweaks I have made to my Exercising goal to improve my overall strength.

I then moved onto the things I have learned during my time with The Wellbeing 9-a-Day Journal, including how difficult it is to write a daily blog for 90 days, how to drive, and how to be a supporting artiste on Vera.

Over the past couple of days, I have focused on Appreciating, first with International Women’s Day and then for Doggy Appreciation Day.

All the while, I have been continuing with my journal, hitting at least eight of my goals each day and continuing my journey towards transformed health and wellbeing.

Looking Forward

Now that I have finished 50 days on The Wellbeing 9-a-Day Journal, I am pleased to say that I feel less overwhelmed about this challenge and my obligations in life.

Just as I have passed the halfway mark of the journal and my blog writing challenge, I have also moved past a very busy period of work.

The past week has given me a chance to breathe, while still building positive habits, and it’s nice to have an end in sight.

As I have only just found something resembling a balance again, my plan is to keep my goals as they are until my Day 60 Review. For each of the Wellbeing 9-a-Day, I have tweaked my targets to a point where I am improving my health holistically without pushing myself too far.

For the blog, I am going to shift my focus to Your Relationships and how they contribute to your wellbeing. I’ll take a closer look at Nourishing, Self-Caring, and Connecting, sharing some of my experiences from life and when using The Wellbeing 9-a-Day Journal.

The next ten days will take me to within a month of the finishing line, and I’m looking forward to being with you for the rest of the journey.

Call to Action!

Reflect on your journey with The Wellbeing 9-a-Day Journal. Whether you have finished 5 or 50 days, today is as good a time as any to look back on your progress so far. There are lessons in every success and every failure if you take the time to look back on them.


This blog was written as part of a 90-day blog writing fundraiser for Live Well with Cancer, a volunteer-led charity serving North Tyneside and the surrounding areas. If you enjoyed this blog, please show your appreciation by donating to my JustGiving page. Every penny raised from donations or sales of the journal will help deliver workshops, events and support groups that empower better health and wellbeing for those affected by cancer, including family, friends, carers, and healthcare workers.

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