Welcome to Day 37 of the Wellbeing 9-a-Day blog! So far whilst looking at Your Journey, we have focused heavily on the Hero’s Journey and how the Nine Areas of Life can help you set holistic goals for a better future. In today’s blog, I want to shift focus to Being Mindful and how creating daily rituals can help you connect with the present.
Creating Rituals Out of Habits
The Wellbeing 9-a-Day Journal is a tool designed to help you build daily habits that benefit your health and wellbeing. Once these habits are engrained, it is easy to go through the motions and get them out of the way as soon as possible.
Let’s consider the example of brushing your teeth. The NHS recommends brushing your teeth twice a day, generally morning and night, for two minutes at a time (if you are not doing this, brushing your teeth is ideal for the Self-caring part of the journal).
As it is such a common occurrence, it is easy to go through the motions, but there can be great value in turning this activity into a mindful ritual. By focusing on the task at hand and fully concentrating on each brushstroke, you can be mindful and improve your dental hygiene at the same time.
Similarly, one of my Nourishing goals is to eat four portions of Nature’s Candy each day. An orange is invariably one of the portions, as I have long loved the process of peeling this wonderful fruit.
Since starting with the journal, eating my daily orange has become a mindful ritual that reminds me to take a minute or two to savour the touch, taste, and scent of the day’s orange.
Discovering New Rituals
Throughout her journey with The Wellbeing 9-a-Day Journal, my girlfriend has enjoyed a daily green tea as part of her Being Mindful goal.
The whole process, from making the tea to emptying the cup, is an ideal ritual, and it is little wonder that drinking tea has been a mindfulness ritual for millions of people over the centuries. It’s also good for her!
While I have joined her for some of these, I invariably don’t touch it until it is warm, and then gulp it down while doing something else, ruining the experience somewhat.
But all that changes today when I start my new daily ritual of drinking CBD tea from my friends at Karma Coast, the first and best organic CBD company to come out of Newcastle Upon Tyne.
As well as Being Mindful, my hope is that this new ritual will help me replace bad habits with good ones, thus aiding me with my journey of Letting Go.
I am excited to start my journey with CBD, and I am grateful to Dylan and Magda from Karma Coast for their guidance and expertise. If my first experience of CBD is anything to go by, my days just got better.
Call to Action!
Create a new daily ritual today. It may be something you already do or a new habit that you want to adopt. By turning it into a ritual and consciously connecting with the moment as you perform the task, you can practice mindfulness and benefit your wellbeing at the same time.
This blog was written as part of a 90-day blog writing fundraiser for Live Well with Cancer, a volunteer-led charity serving North Tyneside and the surrounding areas. If you enjoyed this blog, please show your appreciation by donating to my JustGiving page. Every penny raised from donations or sales of the journal will help deliver workshops, events and support groups that empower better health and wellbeing for those affected by cancer, including family, friends, carers, and healthcare workers.